Blog Comment:5

Alexander Saleteg

Hi Alexander!

Your text started with printing a clear picture by presenting the different aspects and avatars of your game, but you could still have explained your game concept a bit more.

It was smart to recorde the playtesters voices, because the way someone says something can be just as important as what they are saying. Since your group was missing one very important aspects for your game and then choose to focus your questions on more of the mechanics instead for rather the aesthetics was a really smart workaround, you can’t always have every aspect ready for every playtesting session. But once you implemented the missing aspect to you game (the fog) in the beta playtesting and that the game received such positive feedback really seemed to help,your group pinpoint the aspects that needed to be worked on, the tutorial. You could with the fog see that your game had the right aesthetics but still could be explained a bit more.

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