Blog Comment:2

Moa Bruus

Hi Moa! I really liked your text because you created such a clear picture of what your group was aiming for with your game. When reading your text I felt like that if I hadn’t know of the games concept previously that wouldn’t have mattered, since you made it so clear.

I love how you describe in your text the progress of for example the bee character. It really goes to show that people in a group a have very different visions of how their game should look like, but that in the end it becomes a combined effort to create a game with a little bit of everyone’s input. You clearly show this with the design of the bee. Since you had something cuter in mind but the design ended up with a more humorous look and the decision to have the characters faces face forward was a good decision, since seeing the whole expression of a character does make it more sympathetic, which your group was aiming for.

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